Professional massage: $170
Abhyanga: $180
Udvartana: $175
Abhyanga + professional combo: $190
Shirodhara: $150 - includes head and neck massage
Basties: $210 – includes full body massage
Karuna purna: $120 - includes head and neck massage
Marma point therapy: $120
30 minute head massage/mini Shiro: $90
Add ons’
Hammam (steam bath): $40 - includes Kaolin body and face mask for a gentle exfoliation before massage treatments.
Svedana (Ayurveda steam canopy): $30 - recommended after Ayurveda massage treatments.
Infrared medical sauna: $35 - recommended after Abhyanga massage.
Triple Bliss: $340 - abhyanga, shirodhara, and svedana
Basti + svedana: $225
Abhyanga + Shirodhara: $310
Fourth Dimension: $440 - Udvartana, steam, shirodhara, abhyanga/professional massage
All of my treatments use hot stones, quality cold-pressed and organic oils, and marma point therapy. All Basti treatments end with a full-body warm oil massage. Shirodhara commences with a gentle upper body massage. Marma point therapy can be received alone or combined with massage. All sessions are a minimum of 90 minutes except Shirodhara and Karuna purna, which are a minimum of 30 minutes.