
Thoughts on Living, Things & Stuff...

Welcome to Karens'

∙ Karen Elwes
After many failed attempts to build my website, I decided to reach out to an old friend, André Geßner, who is a web and print designer, for his expertise. Without him to in...

AI, Our Angel, & Enlightenment

∙ Karen Elwes
ANGEL HAS A FIGHTING SPIRIT...  A sudden, loud bang startled me; I jumped out of my seat and ran upstairs. Initially, I thought someone was breaking into our home. Images ...

The Foundation of my Work

∙ Karen Elwes
MY APPROACH TO AYURVEDA AND PROFESSIONAL MASSAGE  My creative massage work is rooted in the foundations of Ayurveda and Professional Massage. Like professional and Registe...

2020 & Stones & Stuff...

∙ Karen Elwes
Today is Friday the 3rd of April 2020 and, for the last month, my massage studio space has remained empty of clients. I am, like most people in the world, practicing social...


∙ Karen Elwes
The death of a mother is the first sorrow wept without her. It's been almost seven months since my mom's passing, and over eight months that the world went into chaos due ...

© Karen Elwes. All rights reserved.